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Book of the Month: Schola Caritatis: Learning the Rhythms of God's Amazing Love

  Starting a new feature for the next several months called Book of the Month.  I will present one of my books and tell you a little of the ...

Wednesday, January 4, 2017


have we become so deaf
to the voice that whispered us into being
that we can no longer hear anything
but the incessant noise of our own inner dialogue

is our hearing like any other bodily function
that must be regularly exercised over time
lest the muscles atrophy and decay to the point
where they no longer function properly

is the reason that we do not hear you o god
simply because we do not try
because we fail to make time and space to listen
is hearing you a lost art that must be rediscovered

how then shall we hear you o god when you say to us
he who has ears to hear let him hear
how can we stimulate that auditory nerve in a way
that the ear of our soul comes to life once again
and makes hearing you a possibility

for we do long to hear your still small voice o god
that voice that softly resonates deep within us
that voice that subtly reveals your great affection
that voice that touches our inmost being
and brings us to life inside

we do have ears o god
so please help us to hear

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