I mean, what does it even look like to put your hope in the Lord right now anyway? Especially in the midst of trying to care for aging parents or trying to save money for retirement or trying to navigate a significant life transition. What does it look like to put your hope in the Lord in the midst of college decisions or interpersonal conflicts or health issues? What does it look like to put your hope in the Lord when your marriage is falling apart or when your kids are in pain or when you receive a life-altering diagnosis or you are filled with anxiety and depression? I mean, if we can’t put our hope in the Lord right now, how will we ever really be able to put our hope in him forevermore?
Help us, O Lord, to put our hope in you. We cannot do it on our own. Remind us, each minute of each day, that you are both strong and loving. Hold us in your loving embrace that we might be still and calm and secure, even in the midst of chaos or calamity. You are our God. Help us to truly trust in you. Amen.