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Book of the Month: Schola Caritatis: Learning the Rhythms of God's Amazing Love

  Starting a new feature for the next several months called Book of the Month.  I will present one of my books and tell you a little of the ...

Thursday, January 20, 2022

but when he saw the wind

“But when he saw the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink. He cried out, ‘Lord, save me.’” (Matthew 14:30)

You were doing great, what happened?  Why did you allow your surroundings to determine the state of your heart?  Why did you let your fear overpower your faith?  Did you not think I would take care of you? 

I know the wind is strong, but I am stronger.  I know the waves are big, but I am bigger.  Do not be afraid of them.  Do not let fear make you its puppet.  Chaos does not have the final word, peace does.  Fear does not have ultimate control, love does.

Just keep your eyes focused on me, my child, and all will be well.

Lord Jesus, when the storms come and the winds are blowing, when the waves threaten to sweep me away, help me to keep my eyes focused on you and not on the chaos that is going on within and around me.

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