What is Jesus trying to teach you during this season of your journey?
For me it comes down to two words that are intimately connected: desperation and dependence. Desperation is that “end of your rope” feeling that Peterson talks about in his interpretation of the Beatitudes: “You’re blessed when you’re at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule.” (Mt. 5:3, MSG) It is a feeling that comes from a deep sense of despair, an overwhelming feeling of helplessness and powerlessness. And it leaves us with a very deep realization of our complete and total dependence upon something, or Someone, outside ourselves to come to our aid.
Thus, desperation creates some of the very best soil for God to do his work in and through you because you are totally out of the way. A stripping away of strength, adequacy, competence, pride, self-importance, and self-sufficiency has taken place and left us nothing to rely on except the grace and power and love of God. Which makes us cry out, like so many in the Scriptures and beyond: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me.” Because mercy is where our desperation meets God’s unfailing love. It is the stuff of genuine transformation.
So, what’s Jesus teaching you lately? I would really love to hear.
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