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Book of the Month: Schola Caritatis: Learning the Rhythms of God's Amazing Love

  Starting a new feature for the next several months called Book of the Month.  I will present one of my books and tell you a little of the ...

Monday, October 14, 2024


"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." (Jeremiah 29:11)

If you want to walk with God, you had best check your plans at the door.  Life with him is as beautiful as it is demanding.  It is an amazing dance, an awesome adventure, and a challenging journey.  It is a journey in which we are not in control, he is.  We do not charge ahead with our agenda and invite him to come along.  We follow his lead; he doesn’t follow ours. 

Our job is to stay attentive to his voice, in tune with his will, and aligned with his purposes.  Life with him is about his plans, not our own.  Fortunately, his plans are to prosper us, not to harm us.  His plans give us “a hope and a future.”  His plans, although they might demand a lot of us, are always for our good, our benefit, and our growth.  We just have to trust in him.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024


hang on to the scar
the hurt you have caused
let it teach and guide you
into deep humility
and acute awareness
of your immense need
for divine mercy

but let go of the guilt and shame
or it will eat you up inside
it will leave you consumed
with yourself rather than
consumed with your God

you can’t fix this mess
because you’re not
supposed to be able to fix it
that is the work of hands
much bigger than yours

so the scar remains
as a reminder of the hurt
that is still being healed
but will one day make all
stronger than ever before
but with a different
kind of strength

welcome to this new land
the world of weakness
where living from your flaws
and failures and frailties
opens you up to His strength
and His divine mercy

Sunday, October 6, 2024

shepherd and sheep

The Lord is my shepherd; I am his sheep.  He will take full and complete care of me; I do not need to worry.  In a barren land, he finds me green pastures and makes me lie down.  In a dry and arid place, he leads me to still waters where I can drink and be refreshed and renewed.  He guides me in the good way, so I don’t get lost or confused, all for his name’s sake. 

Even when the stench of death surrounds me and darkness overwhelms me, I will not fear for he is right in the middle of it with me, protecting me and directing me with his staff and his rod.  His love and his power bring me so much peace and comfort. 

He sets a table for the two of us to share an elaborate and intimate meal together.  He pours fragrant and healing oil on my head to show me that I am loved and valued.  My heart, just like my cup at his table, is always filled to overflowing with abundance and delight.  He pursues me unceasingly with his goodness and his unfailing love, so that I may live in his house, with him, forever.